Category: Holiday thing
Because It’s My First Time… in Japan
I felt secure and fell in love with the country. In 2019, I finally visited Japan. It was an unplanned trip that began when my cousin randomly checked air flight tickets on a travel website. Suddenly, she shared a picture of cheap airfare from a well-known airline. “7 million rupiahs for return tickets Jakarta –…
Because It’s My First Time… in Paris
I never thought of undertaking this journey alone. I am not that type of person, or at least, that was what I thought of myself. Until now, travelling has always been a fun activity for me, where I am not afraid of ‘being lost’ in that place. I vividly remember when I went to Singapore…
Stefani A
First 5km
Tanggal 30 Juli 2017 adalah saat bersejarah untuk kehidupan olahraga saya. Iya, saya mengikuti 5km pertama di ajang event besar skala nasional yaitu Pocari Run West Java Marathon 2017. Mengingat ke belakang, saya ingat sekali, saya pernah berkata, saya tidak akan mau berlari kecuali kalau dikejar anjing. Apalagi kepikiran buat jadiin lari olahraga rutin. Ewwww…!…
Stefani A
Souvenir from Barcelona – Madrid
As you know, i went to Barcelona-Madrid back then 2011. So, here are some of souvenirs. Bottom line, i want to go back again to europe and i hope this time not just 2 weeks, but one-two years or maybe rest of my life.
Stefani A