Category: bla bla thing
Walk in the Darkness
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I never anticipated experiencing another significant turning point in my forties. Yet here I am, facing it head-on.
Things that add Value in your life?
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I have never… never ever thought living less give more value. We are not poor, I mean my family, but we are not rich people too. I think we are…
Declutter My Life
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my resolution for this year in I want to refocus my priorities in life with the first step is de-cluttered my life. I want to have more room for stuff…
Another Fight with You
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I don´t expect my love affairs to last for long Never fool myself that my dreams will come true Being used to trouble I anticipate it But all the same…
Intelligence of a Mouse
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Malam yang panjang. Saya tidak tidak bisa tidur. Ini bukan karena kopi encer tadi sore. Pikiran saya sedang ruwet dan salah satunya adalah kekesalan saya terhadap tikus-tikus yang bebas keliaran…
Midnight Thought : What makes me cry
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Sigh… terus terang tulisan ini adalah arti harafiah dari judul. Ya, saya tidak bisa tidur dan besok saya harus bangun pagi untuk siaran pagi. Tapi di kepala ini sepertinya berisik…
Cooling Down The Atmosphere
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There is no perfect time to deal with heart matter Just like there is no perfect time when life give you a challenge There is no ‘supposed to be like…