Category: Working Stuff
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Last Friday, I had a surprised from a guy. Haha..nope. Not that lovey dovey kind of thing even I wish (one day) there is a cute guy give me that…
University of Thinkers
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Stef… Happy Birthdayy…!” that’s all my friends said when day on that month is on October 27th. Another year has past, and yet another year must face. Yes, I thanked…
Matter of Interviewer
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Saat lagi nonton American Next Top Model (yup! That’s my favorite tv show and I am not shamed about it) , Setiap minggu, para calon model itu diberikan tantangan. Nah,…
Emotional Breakdown…
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It is not that easy to be in the top position. I mean top is not always CEO, or Director. I mean ‘top’ is also not always in the big…
Gosh.. Bob Sinclair
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Never knew that this DJ will be so hot and sexy. I think i just found my ideal type of guy. You know what, he’s forties something.. and still sexy…
My First International Interview..
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Yup! Baru 2 hari eh 3 hari lalu, gw musti kudu melakukan interview dengan beberapa musisi mancanegara. Yeah.. meski ga seberapa terkenal (baru rilis 1 album) tapi hell yeah.. that’s…