Stephanie's Closet

Some of them are memories, some of them are dreams..

Papers Sent!

Yeay! Finally I sent all papers to join the ‘it’ event.  Oh, now my ‘homeworks’ is finding good moneychanger to change currency.  And collect a whole lot of money.. It’s time to save money..hahaha..*like I could*

Ach, it’s complicated, but yet I am very excited. Yeeehaaa…

But, i wonder, how come Mrs. Hasto can also join with cheaper budget? She said to me, she only pay 17million IDR  for 2 weeks Euro Trip. How come???? Euro Trip. It means not just Spain, but also Swiss, German, France..oh my Gosh, Fraaannceee! J’aime le France! Quand je peux aller en France?

I don’t think Mrs. Hasto is in the same route like me. Maybe the event organizer extend. But no fee for visa? That’s awkward.  I don’t know..

One step closer.. I pray I hope nothing was missed. Ughh.. Can’t wait to catch August next year.
But, I think next year, I will have many things to face on. And it’s time to evaluate my career choice.

Did I make the right choice?
Am I strong enough to left?
Can my dream come true?

*Make Cross Sign* I hope soo.. But now, one by one, step by step.. I hope Embassy of Spain granted my visa

3 responses to “Papers Sent!”

  1. firman euy Avatar
    firman euy

    wah mau jalan-jalan ke madrid ya….titip kaos el real donk…^_^

  2. ip check Avatar

    Keep working ,remarkable job!

  3. ajeng Avatar

    Mungkin Mrs. Hasto ikut yg individual, Fan, atau sebagai volunteer? Eniwei, congrats ya. Gimana persiapannya? Pasti bakal asik pengalamannya. Jangan lupa share fotonya kalo uda pulang ya 🙂