Category: Working Stuff
Last Friday, I had a surprised from a guy. Haha..nope. Not that lovey dovey kind of thing even I wish (one day) there is a cute guy give me that lovey dovey surprised. Anyway, he came because we summoned him to come. It’s about disciple of working. He was our freelancer that we hired to…
University of Thinkers
Stef… Happy Birthdayy…!” that’s all my friends said when day on that month is on October 27th. Another year has past, and yet another year must face. Yes, I thanked God with all that I have now. Not that I was not grateful for all this years. Actually it gave me a moment of reflection.…
Matter of Interviewer
Saat lagi nonton American Next Top Model (yup! That’s my favorite tv show and I am not shamed about it) , Setiap minggu, para calon model itu diberikan tantangan. Nah, salah satu-nya tantangannya adalah mewawancarai seorang selebritis. Well, banyak tips yang bisa dipetik. Terutama buat gue. Tapi sayangnya kenapa tontonan itu gak gue tonton sebelumnya?…
Emotional Breakdown…
It is not that easy to be in the top position. I mean top is not always CEO, or Director. I mean ‘top’ is also not always in the big company when you are leader to dozens people. Top means you are a leader. Top can be mean you are the decision maker, small or…
Gosh.. Bob Sinclair
Never knew that this DJ will be so hot and sexy. I think i just found my ideal type of guy. You know what, he’s forties something.. and still sexy and hot.. Typical french i think..
My First International Interview..
Yup! Baru 2 hari eh 3 hari lalu, gw musti kudu melakukan interview dengan beberapa musisi mancanegara. Yeah.. meski ga seberapa terkenal (baru rilis 1 album) tapi hell yeah.. that’s something big for me! Mereka RAYGUN, LENKA and THE ATARIS. Pertama kali denger nama mereka dan juga lagu-lagu mereka. Gilaaa.. apa yang harus gw tanya?…