Category: Entertainment
Declutter My Life
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my resolution for this year in I want to refocus my priorities in life with the first step is de-cluttered my life. I want to have more room for stuff…
Intelligence of a Mouse
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Malam yang panjang. Saya tidak tidak bisa tidur. Ini bukan karena kopi encer tadi sore. Pikiran saya sedang ruwet dan salah satunya adalah kekesalan saya terhadap tikus-tikus yang bebas keliaran…
Songs understand me
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You know, sometimes when you’re in blue, songs understand you better especially if the problem is your romantic relationship. And I don’t know why broken heart songs seems so easy…
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“Yup! Kata orang penyesalan selalu datang terlambat. Kata itu kini menjadi hantu yang menjadi mimpi burukku setiap malam. “Andai saja…” atau “Kalau saja..” menjadi dua kalimat yang sangat aku harapkan bisa menjadi kenyataan.…
I am not the only one
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In love with the tunes, voice and melody. The lyrics? Ahh, it really said it all.. Very well played by the actors
Matter of Interviewer
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Saat lagi nonton American Next Top Model (yup! That’s my favorite tv show and I am not shamed about it) , Setiap minggu, para calon model itu diberikan tantangan. Nah,…